Thursday, June 2, 2011

brooklyn chocolate egg cream - Everybody Likes Sandwiches

brooklyn chocolate egg cream - Everybody Likes Sandwiches

chocolate egg cream

Check out Everybody Likes Sandwiches for the full article and instructions on how to make this refreshing summer drink!

egg cream ingredients

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Please join us this Saturday for "Reflections", Community Arts Partnerships annual student exhibition, at the Matrix Center from 9:30am - 12:30pm.

This exhibition is a phenomenal show of student work from the 2010-2011 school year including showcases of artwork, ceramics, dance, voice, and theatre. Event is catered and the food is always delicious :)

How-To: Grown-Up Version of the Sassy Pillowcase Dress


Summer is right around the corner and its time to whip up some great summer dresses.

For inspiration to get started check out this pillowcase dress project from Mena of Sew Weekly. She's brought the pillowcase dress back to life including tips for a form-fitting, modern twist on the classic. Enjoy!